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How To Speak To Your Loved Ones About Your Funeral Plans

When it comes to planning a funeral, the responsibility has traditionally fallen on friends and loved ones after the deceased is no longer with us. This is particularly true if a death is unexpected, or if no prior arrangements have been made for the service.


However, today many people choose to plan their own funeral in advance, either due to the sudden onset of an illness, or simply in response to the onset of age. Making these plans in advance can help you to prepare financially for what happens upon your passing, in addition to relieving your loved ones from this potentially stressful burden.


Raising the subject of your funeral to those around you can feel difficult, where it is important to approach this topic with sensitivity. Read on to find out more about how you can speak to your loved ones about your funeral plans.

Explain Your Thought Process

When you first broach the topic of your own funeral, it can be helpful to explain to your loved ones why you’ve decided to make these plans now. You may wish to discuss your concerns for your health, as well as your worries for the financial burden you could be leaving behind. Explaining your reasoning can help others to feel more comfortable with the subject going forward.

Respect Everyone’s Emotions

The practical reality of a loved one’s death can bring up a range of emotions in those around you, so it is vital that you’re sensitive to this as you have your conversations. Some family members may think that planning your own service is morbid, or they may be struck by premature grief. Making space for these emotions can ensure that everyone feels fully acknowledged.

Involve Your Loved Ones

It can make your friends and family feel able to process their grief if they’re invited to plan the service alongside you. Asking for thoughtful contributions and suggestions allows you to craft a funeral that is really meaningful, in addition to making those closest to you feel more involved and in control.

Address The Practicalities

When discussing your funeral plans, be sure to convey the practical details, as well as your more sentimental preparations. Let those closest to you know where you’ve recorded your wishes, as well as how your finances should be arranged after you’ve passed. This can help to keep things simple at a particularly difficult time.

Callum Robertson Funeral Directors: Offering Prepaid Funeral Plans For Your Peace Of Mind

At Callum Robertson, we offer a prepaid funeral option to allow you to arrange everything for your service ahead of time. Making these funeral plans in advance can help to ensure that all details are to your liking, in addition to removing a financial weight from your loved one’s shoulders.


Get in touch with us today to find out more about our comprehensive prepaid funeral plans.


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